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Small Discussion about Polymer.Js?

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What is Polymer.Js?

Polymer.js is a JavaScript library created by Google that allows reusing the HTML elements for building applications with components. Polymer is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Google developers

Polymer provides a number of features over vanilla Web Components:

  • Simplified way of creating custom elements
  • Both One-way and Two-way data binding
  • Computed properties
  • Conditional and repeat templates
  • Gesture events

Polymer.js places a hefty set of requirements on the browser, relying on a number of technologies that are in still in the process of standardization (by W3C) and are not yet present in today’s browsers. 

Examples include the shadow dom, template elements, custom elements, HTML imports, mutation observers, model-driven views, pointer events, and web animations. These are marvelous technologies, but at least as of now, that are yet-to-come to modern browsers.

The Polymer strategy is to have front-end developers leverage these leading-edge, still-to-come, browser-based technologies, which are currently in the process of standardization (by W3C), as they become available. 

The recommended polyfills are designed in such a way that (at least theoretically) will be seamless to replace once the native browser versions of these capabilities become available.

Video for Polymer.Js

posted Jan 28, 2019 by anonymous

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NPM Command
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YO Generator
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Npm Command

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Capture data from web pages simply that don't contain APIs. Validate your production environment on a regular basis. Alternatively, use this to load your application with data.

Example Code:

var casper = require('casper').create();

casper.start('', function() {

casper.thenOpen('', function() {

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  • Mercury source code itself is maintainable, the modules it uses are all small, well tested and well documented. you should not be afraid to use mercury in production as it's easy to maintain & fix.
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NPM Command

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For more read here - 


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Lets start by creating a simple colored square:

Crafty.e('2D, DOM, Color').attr({x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h: 100}).color('#F00');

For More Visit Here -

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