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What are the resource records in DNS ?

+3 votes
What are the resource records in DNS ?
posted Dec 11, 2013 by Anuj Yadav

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A (Address) Maps a host name to an IP address. When a computer has multiple adapter cards and IP addresses, it should have multiple address records.

CNAME (Canonical Name) Sets an alias for a host name. For example, using this record, can have an alias as

MX (Mail Exchange) Specifies a mail exchange server for the domain, which allows mail to be delivered to the correct mail servers in the domain.

NS (Name Server) Specifies a name server for the domain, which allows DNS lookups within various zones. Each primary and secondary name server should be declared through this record.

PTR (Pointer) Creates a pointer that maps an IP address to a host name for reverse lookups.

SOA (Start of Authority) Declares the host that is the most authoritative for the zone and, as such, is the best source of DNS information for the zone. Each zone file must have an SOA record (which is created automatically when you add a zone).

answer Dec 21, 2013 by Vikas Upadhyay
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