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What are the Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) transactions that require RBI approval?

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What are the Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) transactions that require RBI approval?
posted Jul 26, 2017 by Sagar Sharma

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Some of the proposals which require prior approval are:

i) Overseas Investments in the energy and natural resources sector exceeding the prescribed limit of the net worth of the Indian companies as on the date of the last audited balance sheet;
ii) Investments in Overseas Unincorporated entities in the oil sector by resident corporates exceeding the prescribed limit of their net worth as on the date of the last audited balance sheet, provided the proposal has been approved by the competent authority and is duly supported by a certified copy of the Board Resolution approving such investment. However, Navaratna Public Sector Undertakings, ONGC Videsh Ltd and Oil India Ltd are allowed to invest in overseas unincorporated / incorporated entities in oil sector (i.e. for exploration and drilling for oil and natural gas, etc.), which are duly approved by the Government of India, without any limits, under the automatic route;
iii) Overseas Investments by proprietorship concerns and unregistered partnership firms satisfying certain eligibility criteria;
iv) Investments by Registered Trusts / Societies (satisfying certain eligibility criteria) engaged in the manufacturing / educational / hospital sector in the same sector in a JV / WOS outside India;
v) Corporate guarantee by the Indian Party to second and subsequent level of Step Down Subsidiary (SDS);
vi) All other forms of guarantee which is offered by the Indian Party to its first and subsequent level of SDS;
vii) Restructuring of the balance sheet of JV/WOS involving write-off of capital and receivables in the books of listed/ unlisted Indian Company satisfying certain eligibility criteria mentioned under Regulation 16A of notification ibid;
viii) Capitalization of export proceeds remaining unrealized beyond the prescribed period of realization will require the prior approval of the Reserve Bank; and
ix) Proposals from the Indian party for undertaking financial commitment without equity contribution in JV / WOS may be considered by the Reserve Bank under the approval route based on the business requirement of the Indian Party and legal requirement of the host country in which JV/WOS is located.

answer Jul 28, 2017 by Kavana Gowda