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What is the difference between Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange?

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What is the difference between Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange?
posted Sep 13, 2017 by Anushka

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Stock market is something which you cannot predict what is going to happen in the market tomorrow without proper analyzes of market. So, it is always preferable to go for some professional help if you wish to invest in the Indian stock market. You should also be acquainted with the concept of NSE and BSE. Here we will discuss the difference between NSE and BSE.

What Is NSE?

National Stock Exchange of India or in short NSE happens to be India’s largest Stock Exchange and World’s third largest stock exchange in terms of transactions. It is located in Mumbai and was incorporated in November 1992 as a tax-paying company. It was in April 1993 that NSE was recognized as stock exchange under the Securities Contract Act 1956.

The main objective behind NSE is to establish trading facility nationwide for all types of securities. It also ensures equal access to all investors in the country through the process of an appropriate telecommunication network. NSE was able to achieve its objectives within a very short span of time. NSE has national reach to major market segments like equity or capital markets, futures and options or derivatives market, wholesale debt market, mutual funds, initial public offerings and so on. There is also a concept of day trading which suits well for short term investments. But there are investors who think that this type of trading is quite risky.


BSE or Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest stock exchange in Asia that was established in 1875. What’s more, it is also the biggest stock exchange in the world. BSE is located at Dalal Street, Mumbai.

Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange are both major stock exchange in India. But there is a difference between NSE and BSE. Investors put their money in the stock market in order to reap huge benefits from their investment. But nobody can predict the market as we have already discussed. Also any stock market is decided by its country’s growth. But you should be aware that it requires a lot of patience. The market tumbles down and this is the reason why investors fear of investing their money.

answer Sep 20, 2017 by Abu Anam