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If a Startup is recognized with DIPP. What are the next steps required for raising funding?

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If a Startup is recognized with DIPP. What are the next steps required for raising funding?
posted Oct 16, 2017 by Mukul Chag

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A startup can approach SIDBI for funding in the following two cases:

Case 1: Equity funding for early and growth stage startups:
a) SIDBI invests in funds of fund format and invest in daughter funds which invests in Startup.
b) The list of fund of funds, focus sector, e-mail ID and company website can be checked on the link:
c) Kindly send an e-mail on the given e mail IDs of the said funds.

Case 2: Debt funding for mature stage startups (proven revenue model, market traction):
a) Approach the nearest SIDBI office.
b) Submit a business presentation and the pitch to the SIDBI office.
c) Once the information has been submitted, SIDBI would scrutinize the application and the shortlisted
applications are directed to SIDBI, Mumbai for financial evaluation.
d) As per the decision of SIDBI Mumbai, debt may be sanctioned.

Additionally, you can send an email Startup India Hub ( with a business presentation.
The following aspects need to be covered:
a) About the idea/company
b) Background of the founders
c) How is the idea/product/service innovative?
d) Fund Requirement (Detailed segregation)
e) End usage of the funds

answer Oct 17, 2017 by Pratiksha Shetty