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Is Social Media Marketing Really Worth the Investment?

+2 votes
Is Social Media Marketing Really Worth the Investment?
posted Nov 15, 2017 by Ati Kumar

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2 Answers

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One of the hardest things for business owners to measure is the ROI of social media marketing. Oftentimes, we hear complaints about all of the time wasted posting pictures and updates on social media channels only to gather one or two likes and maybe a comment. It makes business owners feel like they are throwing a ton of money into a black hole and that they will never see an adequate return on investment. The problem lies with a lack of understanding how the process of social media marketing actually helps businesses in the long run.

You cannot guarantee a high ROI from social media marketing right out of the gate, same goes for any marketing strategy. Unless a customer purchases something from your business and indicates that they came to you based on a specific marketing channel, nailing down an exact ROI can be tricky for all marketing campaigns. With billions of monthly active users on social media channels, your business can’t afford not to get in the social game. “The number of people saying that they turn to social media to get their news, as opposed to traditional outlets, has doubled since 2010, from 9% to 19%, according to the Pew Research Center.”

answer Nov 16, 2017 by Andy Quirós
0 votes

One of the most difficult things to quantify for the company owners is social media marketing ROI. We often hear complaints about all the time wasted posting photos and updates on social media channels just to gather one or two likes and perhaps a comment. It makes business owners feel as if they're throwing a ton of money into a black hole and they're never going to see an appropriate return on investment. The question lies in a lack of awareness of how the social media marketing cycle actually benefits companies in the long run. This article will help you to understand more deeply.

answer May 17, 2020 by Anastasia Johns