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What is it about India that the country is not attracting big enterprises like China did. Is globalization dead?

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What is it about India that the country is not attracting big enterprises like China did. Is globalization dead?
posted Dec 5, 2017 by Reshmi S

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Issues such as ease of doing business, red tape, shoddy infrastructure and archaic labour laws are all concerns for big companies who want to invest in India - but it IS getting better.

Manufacturing companies are looking more closely at India as an alternative base to China - as wage growth there has made it more expensive for companies to do business.

What India needs to show the foreign investment community and its critics is that it serious about taking on painful but crucial economic reforms - many in the business community have told me they're disappointed with the lack of progress on passing important bills during the last parliamentary session

answer Dec 6, 2017 by Rupali Thakur