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What are the precautions to be taken where Forms like C Form/E Form are pending?

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What are the precautions to be taken where Forms like C Form/E Form are pending?
posted Dec 27, 2017 by Deepak Jangid

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a) Kindly make the list of pending Form C, F, E-1 which NCL has to issue on procurement and issue the same immediately, it is expected that the commercial tax portal will not be capable to issue these after September, 2017.
b) Kindly make the list of pending C, F, E-1 which project has to receive from coal buyer or transferee projects, kindly arrange to collect the same immediately It is pertinent to mention here that Input Tax credit will be reversed to the extent of differential amount pending Form C, Form F against sale/stock transfer of coal.

answer Dec 28, 2017 by Andy Quirós