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Why one should do MBA in finance?

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Why one should do MBA in finance?
posted Apr 3, 2019 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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MBA in finance helps to enhance knowledge about financial skills, business ideas, and economy of the country. You can get opportunities in the different sectors of the market. It offers a roadmap to get a better position and higher salaries afterwards. The finance stream includes wider topics in its curriculum that will help students to get a diverse thinking and ideas. The curriculum of finance includes:

  • Stock market analysis
  • Foundations in Finance
  • Global economy
  • Financial instruments
  • Futures and options
  • Market trading and volatility
  • Risk management
  • Bankruptcy
  • Corporate Finance
  • Investment banking

According to, MBA holders in Finance get the highest salaries. Finance covers all the industries. You can get a good job in any industry after choosing finance stream.

answer Apr 10, 2019 by Salil Agrawal