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What are the reasons for discrepancies in stock items?

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What are the reasons for discrepancies in stock items?
posted Jun 14, 2017 by Ramesh Gowda

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Reasons for discrepancies: The possible reasons for discrepancy between physical stock and
stock shown in records may be due to the following:

• Shortages of marginal due to spoilage, evaporation, wastage in material handling, break- down in handing and storing. Increase in weight due to absorption of water etc.

• Items of materials placed in wrong location.

• Pilferage and theft from stores by insiders and outsiders.

• Issue and receipt of stock without proper recording and maintenance of stores recording and accounting.

• Stock return not recorded properly.

• Stock ledger to production departments without proper recording stock card and stores ledger.

• Arithmetical errors in calculating the balances in bin card.

• Clerical errors in stores ledger.

• Supplier supplies a different quantity of material than is mentioned in the delivery challan.

• Discrepancy due to improper weighing of material.

answer Jun 14, 2017 by Danial Rotwaski