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What are the guidelines on issue and valuation of shares in case of existing companies?

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What are the guidelines on issue and valuation of shares in case of existing companies?
posted Jun 20, 2017 by Divya Shree

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The price of shares issued to persons resident outside India under the FDI Scheme shall not be less than :
(i) the price worked out in accordance with the SEBI guidelines, as applicable, where the shares of the company is listed on any recognised stock exchange in India;
(ii) the fair valuation of shares done as per SEBI guidelines for listed companies or as per any internationally accepted pricing methodology on arm’s length basis, for unlisted companies
B. The price of shares transferred from resident to a non-resident and vice versa should be determined as under:
i) Transfer of shares from a resident to a non-resident:
a) In case of listed shares, at a price which is not less than the price at which a preferential allotment of shares would be made under SEBI guidelines.
b) In case of unlisted shares at a price which is not less than the fair valuation as per any internationally accepted pricing methodology on arm’s length basis to be determined by a SEBI registered Category-I- Merchant Banker/Chartered Accountant.
ii) Transfer of shares from a non-resident to a resident - The price should not be more than the minimum price at which the transfer of shares would have been made from a resident to a non-resident.
In any case, the price per share arrived at as per the above method should be certified by a SEBI registered Category-I-Merchant Banker / Chartered Accountant.

answer Jun 21, 2017 by Niharika Singh