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Who were the co-stars of the movie Kidnap? Who kidnapped Minisha Lamba in that movie?

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Who were the co-stars of the movie Kidnap? Who kidnapped Minisha Lamba in that movie?
posted Jun 3, 2016 by anonymous

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Kidnap was a 2008 Indian crime thriller film starring Sanjay Dutt, Imran Khan, Minissha Lamba and Vidya Malvade. The film is directed by Sanjay Gadhvi.

Imran kidnaps Minissha to take revenge for her father because when he was a kid, he was accused of kidnapping Minissha by Sanjay Dutt, when he was only trying to save his friend who had fallen from a ladder. He had borrowed Sanjay Dutt's car to take his friend to the hospital. He spent a lot of time in jail because of Sanjay Dutt, who did not even give him a chance to tell his side of the story.

answer Jun 6, 2016 by Mary D'souza