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What are some of the Interesting similarities and differences between Michael Jackson & Elvis Presley?

+4 votes

What are some of the Interesting similarities and differences between

  • Michael Jackson &
  • Elvis Presley?
posted Aug 18, 2015 by Aaron Roth

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1 Answer

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Michaell Jackson & Elvis Presley - Interesting Similraties & Differences:

- Nickname:
o MJ - King of Pop
o EP - King of ROCK 'n' Roll

- Lisa Marie Presley:
o MJ - Ex-Husband
o EP - Father

- Home:
o MJ - Neverland
o EP - Graceland

- Signature Dance Move:
o MJ - Moonwalk
o EP - Hip Shaking

- Rock nd Roll Hall of fame Induction:
o MJ - 2001
o EP - 1986

- Grammy:
o MJ - 15 Grammy Wins
o EP - 14 Grammy Nominations

- Age at Fatherhood:
o MJ - 39
o EP - 33

- Age at Death:
o MJ - 50
o EP - 42

- Cause of Death:
o MJ - Prescription Drug Overdose
o EP - Cardiac Arrhythmia

answer Sep 9, 2015 by Gabby Dickenson
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