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Who composed the music for 'Hark the Herald Angels Sing'?

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Hark the herald angels sing

posted Sep 20, 2016 by Fay Paul

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2 Answers

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Hark the Herald Angels Sing

“Hark the herald angels sing” Christmas Carol was written by Charles Wesley, brother of John Wesley founder of the Methodist church, in 1739. A sombre man, he requested slow and solemn music for his lyrics and thus “Hark the herald angels sing” was sung to a different tune initially.

answer Sep 23, 2016 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay
0 votes

Hark the herald angels sing” Christmas Carol was written by Charles Wesley, brother of John Wesley founder of the Methodist church, in 1739. A sombre man, he requested slow and solemn music for his lyrics and thus “Hark the herald angels sing” was sung to a different tune.

answer Sep 23, 2016 by D.y.devendranath Reddy