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Which Indian film has won the Best Children’s Film award at the 2016 Berlin International Film Festival?

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Which Indian film has won the Best Children’s Film award at the 2016 Berlin International Film Festival?
posted Feb 24, 2016 by Ritika Sharma

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2 Answers

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Malayalam film Otta (The Trap) has won the Best Children’s Film award at the 2016 Berlin International Film Festival. It has been honoured with the prestigious Crystal Bear award in the ‘Generation K-Plus’ section. The film, directed by Jayaraj Rajasekharan Nair, is about the story of an old fisherman and his grandson. The movie is an adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s short story ‘Vanaka’. This is the third year in a row that Indian films have triumphed. Earlier winners were “Killa” 2014 and “Dhanak” 2015.
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answer Feb 25, 2016 by Vijay
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Malayalam film Otta (The Trap) has won the Best Children’s Film award at the 2016 Berlin International Film Festival. It has been honoured with the prestigious Crystal Bear award in the ‘Generation K-Plus’ section. The film, directed by Jayaraj Rajasekharan Nair, is about the story of an old fisherman and his grandson. The movie is an adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s short story ‘Vanaka’. This is the third year in a row that Indian films have triumphed. Earlier winners were “Killa” 2014 and “Dhanak” 2015.
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answer Feb 26, 2016 by Gunjan Saraswat