The Buddy Hug – This is the one where they wrap their arms around you and pat you on the back; the kind of hug your buddy might give you. It’s really more of a ‘let’s be friends’ hug. This usually comes right after someone says they don’t want to date you anymore.

The Polite Hug – This is the kind of hug where they act like they’re trying to hug you without touching you. It is usually accompanied by the ‘polite smile’. This means that either, this is your first date, and they’re undecided about you, or its your last date, but you haven’t found that out yet.

The Sleepy Shoulder Hug – This is the one where you wrap your arms around each other, and the girl lays her head on the guys shoulder and rests there awhile. For her, this means: “I feel safe in your arms.”

The Snuggle Hug – This one usually takes place on the couch in front of the TV or the fireplace. It means they are enjoying being with you and want to stay close to you.

The Waistline Hug – This ‘hug’ is usually done while walking together or standing together. You both have an arm around the other one’s waist. This type of hug generally means ‘we’re together’ or ‘we’re a couple’.

The Squeeze Hug – This type of tight hug is more of a “I had lots of fun” hug, than a passion hug. It is kind of a “thank you, let’s do it again” message.

The Quickie Hug – This one comes as they are about to run off in another direction without you; not in a bad way.