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What is the name of Gregory Peck's ship in the movie Moby Dick (1956)?

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What is the name of Gregory Peck's ship in the movie Moby Dick (1956)?
posted Jul 17, 2017 by Saheb Pro

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The Pequod is the name of Gregory Peck's ship in the movie Moby Dick (1956). The movie set in 19th-century New England, the story follows the whaling ship Pequod and its crew. Leading them is Captain Ahab, who was almost killed in an encounter with the "great white whale", Moby Dick. Now he is out for revenge. With the crew that has joined him, Ahab is out to destroy the huge sea mammal, eventually leading to the death of Ahab and all of his crew, save his newest able seaman, Ishmael.

answer Jul 20, 2017 by Sisir Jana