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Which Bollywood actor stars in the hollywood movie "Mistress of Spice"?

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Which Bollywood actor stars in the hollywood movie "Mistress of Spice"?
posted Aug 16, 2017 by anonymous

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The bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan starred in the hollywood movie "Mistress of Spice". Aishwarya Rai Bachchan palyed the role of Tilo in this movie, Tilo is an immigrant from India, is a shopkeeper, an unusually strong clairvoyant, and a chosen Mistress of Spices. The Spices she gives to her customers help them to satisfy their certain needs and desires, such as "sandalwood to dispel painful memories; black cumin seed to protect against evil eye."
Mistress of Spice

answer Aug 17, 2017 by Snehal Raikar