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Who is the author of Harry Potter series, why it is so popular even today and list the movies based on this series?

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Who is the author of Harry Potter series, why it is so popular even today and list the movies based on this series?
posted Apr 4, 2016 by Navya

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J.K.R0wling is the author of Harry Potter series. Harry potter series has 7 books. In this J. K rowling has created the magical world in front of reader's eyes very clearly and fantastically. Though the story of Harry Potter looks imaginary, it has many messages for children and for elderly people. Best part is while reading we had many questions, and she has answers for those questions almost at the end of each book. The suspense she maintained about Snape is remarkable.

List of movies based on this:
1. Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone (2001)
2. Harry Potter and Chamber of secrete (2002)
3. Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
4. Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire (2005)
5. Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix (2007)
6. Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince (2009)
7. Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows -Part 1 (2010)
8. Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows -Part 2 (2011)

answer Apr 5, 2016 by anonymous