How do you feel when someone pronounces your name wrong? Either we just ignore it or feel very offended. It is with everyone and nobody would like to hear the wrong pronunciation of their names. Today we will be presenting you the correct pronunciation of celeb names that we all have been pronouncing wrong our entire life. Yes, you heard it right. There are so many celebrities with common names but their pronunciation is a little bit tricky. Before we start showing you the names, can you guess a few names that you think might be on this list? Take your time and guess. Let’s see how smart you are

Here are 15 celebrity names that we have been pronouncing wrong this whole time. Let’s take a look!
1. Ariana Grande
How we pronounce: R-ee-ana Gran-day
Correct Pronunciation: R-ee-ana Grahn-dee
2. Chrissy Teigen
How we pronounce her last name: Tee-gen
Correct Pronunciation: TIE-gen
3. Charlize Theron
How we pronounce: Char-leez Te-ey-ron
Correct Pronunciation: Shar-leez Thair-en

4. Jacob Tremblay
How we pronounce: Jay-cob Trem-blay
Correct Pronunciation: Jay-cob Trahm-blay
5. Cara Delevingne
How we pronounce: Care-a Del-avine
Correct Pronunciation:Care-a Del-a-veen

6. Anneliese van der Pol
How we pronounce: An-a-leese van-der-Pole
Correct Pronunciation: Ahn-a-lee-sa van-der-Pole

7. Niall Horan
How we pronounce: Neal Hore-anne
Correct Pronunciation: Nye-ull Hore-in

8. Zendaya
How we pronounce: Zen-die-a
Correct Pronunciation: Zen-day-a

9. Rowan Blanchard
How we pronounce: R-oww-an Blan-chard
Correct Pronunciation: Row-in Blan-cherd

10. Avan Jogia
How we pronounce: A-vahn Joe-gee-a
Correct Pronunciation: Aaah-van Joe-gee-a
11. Amanda Seyfried
How we pronounce: Amanda See-freed or Amansa Say-fry-d
Correct Pronunciation: Amanda Sigh-frid

12. Alessia Cara
How we pronounce: Ah-lee-sha Car-a
Correct Pronunciation: A-less-ee-uh Car-a

13. Quvenzhané Wallis
How we pronounce: Ah-lee-sha Car-a
Correct Pronunciation: A-less-ee-uh Car-a
14. Henry cavil
How we pronounce: Hen-ree Cay-vill
Correct Pronunciation: Hen-ree Cav-ill

15. Rihanna
How we pronounce: Ri-ha-na
Correct Pronunciation: Ri-anne-uh