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Who hosted or co-hosted the Academy Awards 18 times during his career?

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Who hosted or co-hosted the Academy Awards 18 times during his career?
posted Jul 23, 2019 by Yogish

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Bob Hope hosted or co-hosted the Academy Awards 18 times during his career -- but he never won an acting award. During the 1968 ceremony, he joked: "Welcome to the Academy Awards, or, as it's known at my house, Passover." Bob Hope did receive several Honorary Academy Awards: 1941: Special silver plaque - In recognition of his unselfish services to the motion picture industry. 1945: Lifetime membership in the Academy - For his many services to the Academy. 1953: Honorary Oscar - For his contribution to the laughter of the world, his service to the motion picture industry, and his devotion to the American premise. 1966: Gold Medal - For unique and distinguished service to our industry and the Academy

answer Jul 24, 2019 by Ritika Sharma