Yep that’s right! Ryan Reynolds will return to the big screen real soon reprising his role as “The Merc With A Aouth” Deadpool.

And why wouldn’t he? Ryan Reynolds has been killing it as Deadpool ever since his first movie came out in 2016! We should at least get a trilogy before he decides to hang the spandex forever.
Deadpool Makes More Than X-Men Films

Earlier this year, the writers and creators of Deadpool confirmed that a third movie was in the works. Even Rob Liefield, the creator of Deadpool confirmed this news. He also went on to say this on Twitter –

“Nothing like deadlines to clear your head. Let me be clear Deadpool 3 will happen, some form, some fashion. That’s not a concern to me. Disney paid $60 billion for Fox and Deadpool is the most valuable asset in today’s market. Makes more than X-Men films.”
Even Ryan Had Let It Slip That Deadpool 3 Was In The Works

During the Chinese premiere of Deadpool 2, Ryan had revealed that his team was already working on the third instalment of the movie.
Ryan Also Revealed That The Third Movie Will Go In A Completely Different Direction

And that means a lot of things. Ryan Reynolds loves to troll his fans but he seemed quite serious about the new direction idea. The idea of doing a third movie with the same formula did not have much appeal to him. Back in 2018, he had said this in an interview about his thoughts about the the future of this franchise-

“I don’t know that there would be a Deadpool 3. I really don’t. I feel like the character, in order for him to function properly within the universe, you need to take everything away from him. I don’t think that you can keep doing that. At this point, I don’t even want to think about it. Down the road, I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
Most Fans Are Sad That We’ll Never Get To See Deadpool Interacting With The Original Avengers

Just imagine the chaos that would have ensued!
But This Is A Golden Opportunity To Introduce Deadpool To The MCU Via Spiderman

If only the powers that be would allow it of course! Ryan’s character bullying Tom Holland on the big screen would be a lovely sight!
Or Maybe, Deadpool Could Finally Cross Over With The X-Men. For Real This Time!

We’ve already seen young Charles Xavier, Quick Silver, Beast, Storm, Nightcrawler and Cyclops make a cameo in Deadpool 2. Its only fair he assists them in their battles at last!