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Which species does commit crimes similar to that of human society? Such as murder, rapes and even extortion...

+3 votes
Which species does commit crimes similar to that of human society? Such as murder, rapes and even extortion...
posted Mar 10, 2017 by Animesh Jha

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Does this kind of animal do exists in nature? Wow not knowing. lets see who can answer your question
Yes, hard reality....

1 Answer

+1 vote

Aaaahhhhh, turtles?
They're slow and cumbersome..., that way their victims can easily escape with no crime committed.

answer Mar 10, 2017 by George Davros
Good deduction!! but the answer is no..
Ooohh noooo, my bad, I read it wrong. I read it as "doesn't".  Ok so with "does" the answer would be......, Chimps?
Bravado!! Right answer.  

Chimps and humans have traits resemblance by 98.8%
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