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Why tea/coffee does not feel sweet if its taken just after eating sweets or chocolate?

+2 votes
Why tea/coffee does not feel sweet if its taken just after eating sweets or chocolate?
posted May 12, 2017 by Salil Agrawal

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2 Answers

+1 vote

I think because the chocolate/sweets are sweeter than the drinks so our tasting will only rememeber the stronger one

answer May 12, 2017 by Hana Pamora
+1 vote


It is just because of your brain. When you are doing constant thing(having sweet) your brain will adopt to that, so when you change the things to below normal (coffee which is not sweeter than sweet)your brain will not sense it. try having any salt of bitter taste after sweet then have tea you can feel the taste of sugar.

answer May 15, 2017 by Jaganathan