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Who wrote the book "Babuvivah"?

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Who wrote the book "Babuvivah"?
posted May 26, 2017 by Sisir Jana

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Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar wrote the book "Babuvivah". He was an Indian Bengali polymath and a key figure of the Bengal Renaissance. Vidyasagar was a philosopher, academic educator, writer, translator, printer, publisher, entrepreneur, reformer and philanthropist. His efforts to simplify and modernize Bengali prose were significant. He also rationalized and simplified the Bengali alphabet and type, which had remained unchanged since Charles Wilkins and Panchanan Karmakar had cut the first (wooden) Bengali type in 1780.

Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar wrote the book "Babuvivah".

answer Jun 3, 2017 by Ranjit Bera