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Which state recently launched a scheme 'Aapki Beti Hamari Beti' to combat the problem of declining child sex ratio ?

+2 votes
Which state recently launched a scheme 'Aapki Beti Hamari Beti' to combat the problem of declining child sex ratio ?
posted Mar 21, 2015 by Simranjeet Singh

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Haryana has one of the lowest number of girls for every 1000 boys and Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on 8th March launched a scheme for girl child - 'Aapki Beti Humari Beti' - with an aim to combat the problem of declining child sex ratio in the state.

What is the Scheme
1. 'Aapki Beti Humari Beti' will be implemented in both rural and urban areas of the state covering first-born girl child of Scheduled Caste (SC) and Below Poverty Line (BPL) families and all second girl child born on or after January 22, 2015 of all families.
2. Under this scheme, the first girl child born on or after January 22, 2015, in SC and BPL families will be eligible to receive Rs 21,000.
3. All second girl child born on or after January 22, 2015 of all families will get Rs 21,000 (Families, where twin girls or multiple girls are born, will get Rs 21,000 per girl child)

answer Mar 21, 2015 by Salil Agrawal