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Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of which ruler?

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Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of which ruler?
posted Jun 16, 2017 by Divya Nayak

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Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of Harsha Vardhan. He mention Harsha Vardhan as 'Shiladitya'. Hiuen Tsang states that upon assuming the throne, Shiladitya gathered an army of 50,000 foot soldiers, 5000 elephants and 2000 cavalry. He subdued the five regions of India, and built "several thousand" stupas on the banks of the Ganges, each about 100 feet high. Every five years, Shiladitya held an assembly called "Moksha". He gave away his treasury in charity, which was then replenished by his vassals.

Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of Harsha Vardhan.

answer Jun 29, 2017 by Sumana