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How long ago did the Indus Valley Civilization begin and in which city the Great Bath structure found of it?

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How long ago did the Indus Valley Civilization begin and in which city the Great Bath structure found of it?
posted Jun 30, 2017 by Debaprasad Maity

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About 5, 000 years ago (3300 BCE) the Indus Valley Civilization begin, and in Mohenjo-daro the Great Bath structure found of it. This Civilization mainly in the northwestern regions of South Asia, extending from what today is northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India. Along with ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia it was one of three earliest civilisations of the world and included among the civilisations of the Old World, and of the three, the most widespread.

About 5, 000 years ago (3300 BCE) the Indus Valley Civilization begin, and in Mohenjo-daro the Great Bath structure found of it.

answer Jul 10, 2017 by Sumana