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UNESCO declared 2011 as which International year ?

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UNESCO declared 2011 as which International year ?
posted Jul 1, 2017 by Ram Bhatia

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The year 2011 was called as International Year of Chemistry and International Year of Forests

The theme of IYC2011 was

"Chemistry–our life, our future"

It focused on the “achievements of chemistry and its contributions to the well-being of humankind.” It aimed to raise awareness of chemistry among the general public and to attract young people into the field, as well as to highlight the role of chemistry in solving global problems.

The theme of IYC2011 was also

“Celebrate Forests. Celebrate Life”

The goal is to provide all forestry stakeholders with ideas and resources to participate in the celebration over the year.

answer Jul 2, 2017 by Sona Munshi