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Who wrote world first mirror image book "Shrimad Bhagavad Gita"?

+1 vote
Who wrote world first mirror image book "Shrimad Bhagavad Gita"?
posted Jul 26, 2017 by Anurag Kashyap

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2 Answers

+2 votes

yes right sir
Piyush Goel also has written World First Hand write Mirror Image Needle Book Madhushsla,book written by Late Harivansh rai Bachchan, father of Amitabh Bachchan, Legend of Indian Cinema.

answer Aug 21, 2017 by Mayank
0 votes

Piyush dadri wala wrote world first mirror image book "Shrimad Bhagavad Gita". Piyush says, “It is the first Bhagwad granth in the world written in mirror image. I wrote the epic in my own hand writing in two languages, Hindi and English. One can read all the 18 chapters and 700 verses in front of a mirror.” The feat certainly shows the will power of a man who put everything readable in front of a mirror. He says, “Since my childhood I had a strong desire to copy everything in front of a mirror.

answer Aug 7, 2017 by Mukul Chag