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Which country conferred its Highest State Honour on Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi for her contribution in ‘Liberation war’?

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Which country conferred its Highest State Honour on Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi for her contribution in ‘Liberation war’?
posted Jul 29, 2017 by Deepak Jangid

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Bangladesh conferred its Highest State Honour on Late Mrs. Indira Gandhi for her contribution in its ‘Liberation war’. The highest Bangladesh award — the Bangladesh Swadhinata Sammanona (Bangladesh Freedom Honour ) — conferred on the late Indira Gandhi for her outstanding contributions to Bangladesh's Liberation War, was received by her daughter-in-law Sonia Gandhi.

Bangladesh President Zillur Rahman presented the award, the highest honour for any foreign national after 40 years of Bangladesh's independence from Pakistan.

answer Jul 31, 2017 by Prajwal C.m.