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In which year Electric Christmas tree lights were first used?

+1 vote
In which year Electric Christmas tree lights were first used?
posted Aug 12, 2017 by Reshmi S

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Edward H. Johnson put the very first string of electric Christmas tree lights together in 1882. Johnson, Edison's friend and partner in the Edison's Illumination Company, hand-wired 80 red, white and blue light bulbs and wound them around his Christmas tree.

answer Aug 16, 2017 by Neeraj Kumar
0 votes

Edward H. Johnson in 1882, vice president of the Edison Electric Light Company, had 80 red, white and blue electric incandescent light bulbs the size of walnuts especially made. The Christmas tree was shown on 22 December 1882 at his home on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

answer Aug 17, 2017 by Rani Das