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What is the name of the Canteen Scheme’ Launched in Bengaluru on Aug 2017?

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What is the name of the Canteen Scheme’ Launched in Bengaluru on Aug 2017?
posted Aug 17, 2017 by anonymous

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Indira Canteen is the name of the Canteen scheme launched in Bengaluru. The Karnataka government and Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi have launched ‘Indira Canteen’ in Bengaluru with an aim to reach out to the poorer sections of the society. The canteens will offer breakfast at Rs 5 and lunch and dinner at Rs 10 per plate. Of a total of proposed 198 canteens, 101 were launched on August 16, 2017 and the rest would start functioning from October 2, 2017.

answer Aug 18, 2017 by Sania N