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What is the name of India's first ever indigenous aircraft carrier launched in August 2013?

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What is the name of India's first ever indigenous aircraft carrier launched in August 2013?
posted Aug 29, 2017 by anonymous

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INS Vikrant is India's first ever indigenously built aircraft and the first Vikrant-class aircraft carrier built by Cochin Shipyard (CSL) in Kochi, Kerala for the Indian Navy. The motto of the ship is Jayema Sam Yudhi Sprdhah, which is taken from Rig Veda 1.8.3 and is translated as "I defeat those who fight against me". With successfull completion of construction of INS Vikrant India Joins Elite group of nations in the world (United States, Russia, United Kingdom and France), which are capable of designing and Constructing aircraft carrier.

answer Sep 4, 2017 by Satish Mn