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In which city of Gujarat is India's first and world's second Patang (Kite) Museum, founded by Bhanubhai Shah, located ?

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In which city of Gujarat is India's first and world's second Patang (Kite) Museum, founded by Bhanubhai Shah, located ?
posted Apr 3, 2015 by Amit Kumar Pandey

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3 Answers

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India's first and world's second Patang(kite) Museum, founded by Bhanubhai Shah, is located at Ahmedabad in Gujarat.

answer Apr 3, 2015 by Tanmoy Debnath
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Ahmedabad in Gujarat.

answer Sep 11, 2015 by Nikhil Kumar Saxena
0 votes

The Ukai Dam, constructed across the Tapti River, is the largest reservoir in Gujarat. It is also known as Vallabh Sagar. Constructed in 1972, the dam is meant for irrigation, power generation and flood control.

answer Sep 11, 2015 by Nikhil Kumar Saxena
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