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Who discovered vacuum pump and how does the vacuum pump work?

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Who discovered vacuum pump and how does the vacuum pump work?
posted Sep 15, 2017 by anonymous

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The first vacuum pump was invented in 1650 by Otto von Guericke.
There are three ways of doing this:

Using a positive displacement pump: Rotary vane pump, Diaphragm pump, liquid ring pump, Reciprocating Piston pump, Screw pump, Gear pump…. To name a few.A vacuum pump draws air/gas from a sealed chamber and leaves behind vacuum.

Using a moment transfer pump: In a momentum transfer pump, gas molecules are accelerated from the vacuum side to the exhaust side (which is usually maintained at a reduced pressure by a positive displacement pump). Momentum transfer pumping is only possible below pressures of about 0.1 kPa. Matter flows differently at different pressures based on the laws of fluid dynamics. At atmospheric pressure and mild vacuums, molecules interact with each other and push on their neighboring molecules in what is known as viscous flow. When the distance between the molecules increases, the molecules interact with the walls of the chamber more often than with the other molecules, and molecular pumping becomes more effective than positive displacement pumping. This regime is generally called high vacuum.

Using a regenerative pump: Regenerative pumps utilize vortex behavior of the fluid (air). The construction is based on hybrid concept of centrifugal pump and turbopump. Usually it consists of several sets of perpendicular teeth on the rotor circulating air molecules inside stationary hollow grooves like multistage centrifugal pump.

answer Sep 18, 2017 by Sonali Gupta
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