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What is the name of the literary genre developed by the Khojas who are a branch of the Ismaili sect?

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What is the name of the literary genre developed by the Khojas who are a branch of the Ismaili sect?
posted May 14, 2018 by Jasmine P

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1 Answer

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Ginan, is the name of the literary genre developed by the Khojas who are a branch of the Ismaili sect. Ginans are composed in many languages of South Asia, especially Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi and many more. They are based on Verses from the Quran. Like Ginans, Qaseedas are recited in Arabic, Persian or Tajik by Ismailis in Central Asia, Iran and Syria.

answer May 17, 2018 by Pallavi Dubey
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