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Which country in SAARC has the highest GDP (PPP) per capita ?

+2 votes

Which country in SAARC has the highest GDP (PPP) per capita ?
[A]Sri Lanka

posted Apr 27, 2015 by Tanmoy Debnath

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1 Answer

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Among the SAARC countries, Highest Per Capita GDP (PPP) is of Maldives as per World Economic Outlook Database, April 2015.

List of SAARC countries with their respective Per Capita GDP
1. Maldives ($14383)
2. Srilanka ($10372)
3. Bhutan ($7641)
4. India ($5855)
5. Pakistan ($4736)
6. Bangla Desh ($3373)
7. Nepal ($2376)
8. Afganistan ($1937)

answer Apr 28, 2015 by Salil Agrawal