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Does vastu helps us in health-related problems faced by us almost every day?

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Does vastu helps us in health-related problems faced by us almost every day?
posted Dec 12, 2018 by anonymous

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yes, Vastu helps you with health-related problems. Vastu and Health are interconnected. As we know that Earth has a magnetic field and there are radiations from Earth. Some of these radiations are good for us while some are bad. Thus it is very important to follow Vastu rules for good health and fortune.
1. It is always advisable to have a Tulsi (Basil) plant for better health as it purifies the air.
2. Avoid Milking, Bonsai or Thorny plants. It is very inauspicious to keep such plants in your home as it brings negativity, stunted/ slow growth and illness to your home.
3. The person who prepares the meal should face east while cooking. Doing so increases the taste of the food and provides better health for the family.
4. Do not place the fridge in North East direction. The ideal place for the refrigerator is in Southeast, west, north or South direction.
5. You should never sleep under any beam as it brings headache and depression.

answer Apr 29, 2019 by Vasudha