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By which procedure the President of India may be removed before the expiry of the term?

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By which procedure the President of India may be removed before the expiry of the term?
posted Jun 6, 2019 by Naveen Kumar

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1.According to article 61 of the Constitution,the president can be removed from his office by the proess of impeachment
2. The only ground for this impeachment is “violation of the constitution”
3. The impeachment process can be initiated by either house of parliament and should be signed with 1/4′th of the members of initiating house
4. A prior notice of 14 days should be given to president
5. If the resolution is passed with 2/3rd of the majority of the total members of house then the bill is passed to other house.That house then sets a committee to investigate the charges mentioned in the bill.
6. President can defend himself by taking service of Attorney general of India or any other lawyer of his choice.
7. If the second house too passes the bill with 2/3rd of majority then he/she will be removed from the office of president dated on which the bill is passed
8. This process is quasi-judicial procedure and all members of parliament (Means both elected and nominated) can participate in the impeachment.

answer Jul 12, 2019 by Vijay