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In legal tender issued in the UK before I January 1961 what was next in the series: shilling, penny, ha'penny, ...?

+2 votes
In legal tender issued in the UK before I January 1961 what was next in the series: shilling, penny, ha'penny, ...?
posted Jul 9, 2019 by Karan Joglekar

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1 Answer

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A farthing was a quarter of a penny, and ceased to be legal tender on 31 December 1960. A groat, when it was issued in England between 1351 and 1662, was worth 4 pennies; a florin was worth two shillings; two bob was two shillings. A shilling became equivalent on 15 February 1971 to 5p in the new British currency.

answer Jul 16, 2019 by Harprith
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