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Provide me the Vastu Tips for placing the antique or decorative items.

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Provide me the Vastu Tips for placing the antique or decorative items.
posted Jul 29, 2019 by Ashish Sharma

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1 Answer

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a few Vastu tips for placing the antique or decorative items
1. Always place the antique decorative metal pieces in the Southern or Western Wall of the house

  1. Heavy wooden objects such as decorated almirah, wall cabinet a wooden trunk must be kept in South-east or North-west direction

  2. Designer Pots or decorative pictures of God Idols should not be fixed on walls as it is considered inauspicious. Images of God have to be kept on a Western wall facing east or on Southern wall facing north.
    Must Read-
    Comprehensive Vastu tips for placing the antique or decorative items

answer Jul 31, 2019 by Vastu Dekho