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Under whose governor-generalship were the Universities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras set up?

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Under whose governor-generalship were the Universities of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras set up?
posted Aug 26, 2019 by Aastha Joshi

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Lord Canning

Canning is credited for ensuring that the administration and most departments of the government functioned normally during the rebellion and took major administrative decisions even when peak of the Rebellion in 1857 including establishing of the first three modern Universities in India, the University of Calcutta, University of Madras and University of Bombay based on Wood's despatch. Canning passed the Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act, 1856 which was drafted by his predecessor Lord Dalhousie before the rebellion. After the rebellion he presided over a smooth transfer and reorganisation of government from the East India company to the crown, the Indian Penal Code was drafted in 1860 based on the code drafted by Macaulay and came into force in 1862.

answer Aug 29, 2019 by Pratiksha Shetty