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The Battle of Verdun and the Battle of the Somme were fought during which war?

+2 votes
The Battle of Verdun and the Battle of the Somme were fought during which war?
posted Sep 21, 2020 by Aarati Mahajan

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2 Answers

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World War I

answer Sep 22, 2020 by Samardeep Acharya
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World War I
The Battle of Verdun was fought for just on 10 months of 1916, between the forces of Germany and France. It was World War I's longest single battle. By one calculation, including missing and wounded, the French suffered 377,231 casualties and the Germans 337,000, a total of 714,231, an average of 70,000 a month. The German attack netted effectively no territory.

answer Nov 5, 2020 by Vikram Luthra