Result - Library
Which inn at Cheapside near Friday Street (where, it is said, Shakespeare, Johnson and friends met frequently), was destroyed by the Great Fire of London?
What city, founded around 1048 by King Harald III, was largely destroyed by fire and rebuilt from 1624 by King Christian IV and named Christiania, and reverted to its original name in 1925?
Which theatre in Covent Garden, London, was founded in 1663, destroyed by fire in 1672 and 1809, used as a base for ENSA during World War II and reopened as a theatre in 1946?
What is the name of 13 books written in Alexandria around 300 BC, a collection of definitions, axioms, theorems, constructions and proofs was used as the basic text on geometry throughout the Western world for about 2,000 years?
Which sport, practised since at least the 8th century BC, is still current and was celebrated on the special €10 Greek coin minted in 2003?