In North America one species of what, called Magicicada septendecim, lives for 17 years all but a few weeks of which are spent underground?
Cicada The cicada is in its nymph stage during the period underground. As it matures it burrows up to the surface, sheds its final skin, and begins its (relatively very short) winged stage.
Normally called a wolverine in North America, what is the largest carnivorous mammal in the weasel family, which, it is said, has a habit of hiding articles which are no use to it?
Where is the Djebel Babor formation, part of the Tell Atlas and one of few remaining habitats for the endangered Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus?
Bigfoot, a supposedly large, hairy, bipedal humanoid which lives in forests in the Northwest of North America, is also known as what?
One of the most endangered mammals lives only in 2 square kilometres of remnant rainforest on Hainan Island in the South China Sea. Which animal is it?
Which of these is a small rodent found in the alpine regions of Europe, Asia and North America? A Mummer B Marmoset C Mango D Marmot