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Who was the first US president to succeed to the Presidency upon the assassination of his predecessor...................

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Who was the first US president to succeed to the Presidency upon the assassination of his predecessor and the first US President to be impeached?

posted Dec 21, 2020 by Aastha Joshi

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Andrew Johnson
Johnson succeeded Lincoln. There were two attempts to remove him from office. In 1867 the House Judiciary committee produced a bill of impeachment that consisted of a number of complaints against him. A formal vote in the House of Representatives failed 57-108. In 1868 Johnson removed Edwin Stanton as Secretary of War, violating the Tenure of Office Act, which had removed the President's unlimited power to remove Cabinet members. The House impeached Johnson. There were three votes in the Senate. On all 3 occasions, 35 Senators voted "guilty" and 19 "not guilty." As the Constitution requires a two-thirds majority for conviction in impeachment trials, Johnson was acquitted as the vote was 1 less than the majority required.

answer Dec 22, 2020 by Tapesh Kulkarni
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