He was born in Florence in 1265, fought in the Guelph–Ghibelline conflict as both soldier and politician, was in the Physicians' and Apothecaries' Guild, and is still renowned as a poet and writer of a great work of Italian literature. Who was he?
Dante Alighieri The work is "The Divine Comedy", completed in 1320, divided in three sections called Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso which talk of the soul's journey towards God,.
He was born in BCE 551, was known as a teacher, editor, and politician, and has been celebrated and venerated ever since as a philosopher. Who was he?
Sir Winston Churchill as well as being a soldier and politician was a prolific writer. Much of his writing was in the non-fiction genre, military, social and political history and analysis; which was his only full-length published novel?