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Where is the giant herbivorous insect Deinacrida heteracantha a native?

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Where is the giant herbivorous insect Deinacrida heteracantha a native?
posted Dec 7, 2021 by Aarati Mahajan

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New Zealand
The name of the insect is wetapunga. Predation had almost reduced the world population to the small numbers found exclusively on one island, however focussed breeding has resulted in the early 21st century in substantial increases both in numbers and in habitats. Wetapunga weigh up to 35 g (sometimes as much as 70 g) which is heavier than the average sparrow. Because of their size they go through 11 instars before reaching adulthood, i.e. they moult their hard outer covering (exoskeleton) 11 times.

answer Dec 8, 2021 by Samardeep Acharya
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