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Bernard and Phyllis Coard and Maurice Bishop were involved with the politics of which country in 1983?

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Bernard and Phyllis Coard and Maurice Bishop were involved with the politics of which country in 1983?
posted Jan 28, 2022 by Simranjeet Singh

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Bishop was Prime Minister of the People's Revolutionary Government of Grenada (PRG). In October 1983, a group under the leadership of Coard who was Deputy Prime Minister deposed Bishop. Bishop was subsequently killed, and Coard and his wife Phyllis (the Deputy Finance Minister) together with others involved were sentenced to death although the sentences were later commuted. Coard is also known for a pamphlet he published in the UK in 1971 while studying for his doctorate, entitled "How the West Indian Child Is Made Educationally Subnormal in the British School System: The Scandal of the Black Child in Schools in Britain." which cited British schools as having a pervasive bias toward treating white children as normal, which led to black children being labelled educationally subnormal: "The [black] children are therefore made neurotic about their race and culture. Some become behaviour problems as a result. They become resentful and bitter at being told their language is second-rate, and their history and culture is non-existent; that they hardly exist at all, except by the grace of whites." Coard's thesis is cited as a summary of the role of institutional racism in the relationship between race and intelligence, and in 2005 it was republished as the central article in the collection "Tell it Like it is: How Our Schools Fail Black Children".

answer Jan 31, 2022 by Samardeep Acharya
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